Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a perfect world....

I have been waiting for a while now to get an assignment to post about my school. There are a lot of things i have been wanting to say....
        I absolutely love middle school. Yes, the work can become bothersome every once in a while, but everything else is awesome. I really enjoy the socialization and this specific age. But i don't think that it's just middle school, i think it's this school. I'm the kind of person who takes a lot of pride in my school. When i hear others talking about hoe they hate Philomath or a certain teacher, i get really offended and mad. I have learned to respect my school and my teachers, because all they are doing is their job. They are here to make your future better, so why would you be so rude to them? I think school is great. I love coming to school, i have never had any issue with wanting to be in a different school. I am very thankful that i ended up coming here this year. The environment and over all attitude of this school is amazing. Last year, i struggled a lot with my grades and i wasn't very fond of any of my teachers. I thought that coming here was going to only make things worse.... but then once i got here, i realized i was way wrong. It was very easy for me to get used to things here, and everyone else made it easier as well. If it weren't for this school, i wouldn't be where i am today. I can honestly say that i don't enjoy school, i enjoy THIS school.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. I am glad you like to be here. I do too.
