Wednesday, May 29, 2013

High school Advice

I think that the most important advice about school my parents have ever given me is to always try your hardest. My mom especially is very big on always getting good grades and achieving your goals. She has always pushes me to do my best in school and i think that it's a lot because she knows how it is to not try your hardest.
         My mom dropped out of high school when she was fifteen. Not because she thought it suited her situation best, but because she has no determination to put all of her effort into it. I think that's why she wants my brother and i to do well. Because she wants the best for us and she knows how it is to have the worst. I think it's really important to do well in school. And i'm sure the rest of you agree with that, but i still fell like i should remind myself and others just how vital it is to our future. I'm constantly thinking about where my next move will put me. Where it will set me in my future. And i don't just try hard to do well for only my benefit, but also because i owe it to the teachers as well. I know this isn't a post meant for this topic, but it's really fitting the situation. Teachers are her out of choice. They CHOSE the job of coming here every morning and putting their best effort to teach us. It's not just the teachers that ask from you, they have to try also.
        So on that note, don't sit in class the whole period and do nothing. Don't come home from school and sit on the couch or hang out  with friends when you know you have homework, don't go through all of school "not caring". Be better than that and put forth all you have. You get one chance to do it the right way, so don't screw it up.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

School in a perfect world....

I have been waiting for a while now to get an assignment to post about my school. There are a lot of things i have been wanting to say....
        I absolutely love middle school. Yes, the work can become bothersome every once in a while, but everything else is awesome. I really enjoy the socialization and this specific age. But i don't think that it's just middle school, i think it's this school. I'm the kind of person who takes a lot of pride in my school. When i hear others talking about hoe they hate Philomath or a certain teacher, i get really offended and mad. I have learned to respect my school and my teachers, because all they are doing is their job. They are here to make your future better, so why would you be so rude to them? I think school is great. I love coming to school, i have never had any issue with wanting to be in a different school. I am very thankful that i ended up coming here this year. The environment and over all attitude of this school is amazing. Last year, i struggled a lot with my grades and i wasn't very fond of any of my teachers. I thought that coming here was going to only make things worse.... but then once i got here, i realized i was way wrong. It was very easy for me to get used to things here, and everyone else made it easier as well. If it weren't for this school, i wouldn't be where i am today. I can honestly say that i don't enjoy school, i enjoy THIS school.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Things Kendra Nash is good at.

1. She's an amazing Dancer.
2. Volley Ball.
3. Listening.
4. Giving realistic and helpful advice.
5. Being loud, crazy, and hilarious.
6. Being my best friend in the whole wide world.
7. Pulling off overly sparkly make-up.
8. Choosing new hair styles.
9. Being confident in herself and others.
10. Building you up and not tearing you down.
11. Typing really fast.
12. Being creative.
13. Being true to herself and standing up for what she believes in.
14. Knitting cute baby hats.
15. Using profanity during irrelevant times.

        I love you kendy!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


I believe that everything happens for a reason. I don't believe that you fall in love when and if you want to. I don't believe that bad things happen. I don't believe that people have bad luck. I think that every event has its purpose, and all leads to what and who you will be in the end.                                                                                        
               A lot of my friends and others i know are going through very hard times. I hear about their relatives not doing to well, or that their grades are terrible and they're struggling to get them up, that they're broken hearted. But i don't believe that it's all that bad. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. What ever is happening that is so terrible is only going to make you a better person in the long run. For better or for worse, loved ones will have to leave some day or another, realtionships are never for ever, and there is never a time to late to fix a mistake. If you are struggling with school, you were put in this situation for a reason, possibly to prove to yourself that you can do better than what you've been putting forward. If you have just seen another relationship come and go, look at it this way: you are one step closer to finding "the one".
               I think that people worry about things way to much... I think that everyone needs to take a step back and try to see things a different way. Things are only the way they are because that's how you see them. Hard times will only get better if you put forth effort too. I BELIEVE that there is a rainbow around every corner, you just have to turn it.